Cooper and Karli
This is a litter of 7 puppies - 2 males, 5 females. All are chocolates. The parents are both healthy dogs . They will have a health exam with my vet. We provide a health & genetic guarantee. You will receive a blanket that smells like mom. A small bag of puppy food. AKC papers, puppy training tips He will be vaccinated & wormed on a regular schedule. We welcome you to visit the puppies and their parents. We can provide ground transport or a flight nanny for your puppy if you can't pick him up. The best way to contact me is by text. My number is 574-238-2561 Calls are also welcome. Emails I might not see for a day. You can reserve them with a $200 deposit. Betty
Breed: Havenese
Age: 12 Week(s)
Date of Birth: June 15, 2024
Date Available: August 10, 2024
Registration: ACA AKC available if needed
Sire: C Lou’s Cooper
Dam: C Lou’s Karli